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Welcome to Racing Line! A community for F1 enthusiasts and petrol-heads from all walks of life. Let me introduce myself; my name is Jade, I'm an aspiring engineer and huge fan of all things motorsport. I have always enjoyed sharing my passions with others and decided that Racing Line could provide a platform to do exactly that, as well as meeting people who share in this love for the sport. I really hope you enjoy the content posted, insights shared and of course I hope you will be keen to get involved!

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My Story

Hello! My name is Jade and I am the founder of Racing Line. A little bit about me: I am 22 years old, based in the Cotswolds, England and I work in Engineering. Growing up I have always been surrounded by cars and motorsport due to my Parent's keen interest. My Dad would always ask for my opinion on which car he should get next and I still remember my first time sitting quietly in the corner whilst he was watching a Grand Prix and becoming fascinated by the technicality of the sport. The rest is history! Naturally, my dream is to work in Formula 1 as an Engineer one day but for now I just want to share my passion with the world and use the powers of the internet to meet and engage with fellow enthusiasts. Hence; Racing Line!


It was a close friend of mine who first suggested that I start blogging my thoughts and opinions after we had been watching a race together and she noticed that I had a lot to say (and apparently she found it quite interesting!). The more I thought about the kind of platform I would like to see, the more I realised that I was more than capable of creating it myself. A community of like-minded enthusiasts from all walks of life where every person is welcome and the core principle is in sharing the Joy of the wonderful world of Motorsport. This could be through blog posts, race recaps, technical insights, discussion forums and maybe even meet-ups! Of course, I can facilitate the creation of this site and provide content but the whole ethos is community spirit so the floor is open and this space is yours to enjoy. Suggestions, feedback and content is welcomed from anyone with the aim to build this platform together for all to enjoy.


Become a member to enjoy the benefits of the Forum and get regular updates on the space. Do drop me a message or an email if you have any thoughts or questions at all. I hope you enjoy the space and I look forward to growing this amazing community! 


Feel free to get in touch via any platform. I'm always keen to hear feedback and suggestions!

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